Wednesday, October 26, 2016

2014 AMC 8 Results , Problems, Answer key and Detailed Solutions.

E-mail me if you want to join my group lessons for Mathcounts/AMCs prep.
Different groups based on your current level of proficiency.

My students are amazing. They NEVER stop learning and they don't just do math.

Please don't contact me if you just want state/national questions since I'm extremely busy these days with the preps.
You can purchase Mathcounts National tests and other prep materials at Mathcounts store.

You can also use my online blog contents. If you really understand those concepts, I'm sure you can be placed in your state's top 10 in the above average states [Every year I'd received some online students'/parents' e-mails about their (their kids') state results], not the most competitive states, which are crapshoot for even the USAJMO qualifiers, that I know.

Take care and best of luck.

Have fun problem solving and good luck.

2014 AMC-8 problems and solutions from AoPS wiki

Comments :

#4 : We've been practicing similar problems to #4 so it should be a breeze if you see right away that the prime number "2" is involved. You'll get a virtual bump if you forgot about that again.

 #10 : Almost every test has this type of problem, inclusive, exclusive, between, calendar, space, terms, stages... It's very easy to twist the questions in the hope of confusing students, so slow down on this type of question or for the trickier ones, skip it first. You can always go back to it if you have time left after you get the much easier-to-score points.  (such as #12, 13, 18 -- if you were not trolled and others)

 #11 : Similar questions appear at AMC-10, Mathcounts.  For harder cases, complementary counting is easier.
This one, block walk is easier.

 #12: 1/ 3!

How about if there are 4 celebrities ? What is the probability that all the baby photos match with the celebrities ? only 1 baby photo matches,  only2 baby photos match, 3 baby photos match, or none matches ?

 #13: number theory

For sum of odd and /or even, it's equally likely --
odd + odd = even ; even + even = even
odd + even = odd ; even + odd = odd

For product of odd and/or even, it's not equally likely --
odd * even = even ; even * even = even
odd * odd = odd

For product probability questions, complementary counting with total minus the probability of getting odd product (all odds multiply)is much faster.

SAT/ACT has similar type of problems.

#15 : Central angle and inscribed angles --> Don't forget radius is of the same length.
Learn the basics from Regents prep 

#17: rate, time and distance could be tricky

Make sure to have the same units (hour, minutes or seconds) and it's a better idea writing down
R*T = D so you align the given infor. better.

Also, sometimes you can use direct/inverse relationship to solve seemingly harder problems in seconds.

 Check out the notes from my blog and see for yourself.

#18 : Trolled question. Oh dear !! 

1 4 6 4 1     , but it doesn't specify gender number(s) so 
(4 + 4)/2^4 is the most likely. 

#19 : more interesting painted cube problems --> one cube is completely hidden inside.

Painted cube animation from Fairy Math Tutors

Painted cube review   Use Lego or other plops to help you visualize how it's done.

#20 : Use 3.14 for pi and if you understand what shape is asked, it's not too bad.

#21: You can cross out right away multiples of three or sum of multiples of 3 by first glance.
For example 1345AA, you can cross out right away 3 and 45 (because 4 + 5 = 9, a multiple of 3).
You don't need to keep adding those numbers up. It's easier this way.

#22 : To set up two-digit numbers, you do 10x + y.
To set up three-digit numbers, you do 100x + 10y + z 

For those switching digits questions, sometimes faster way is to use random two or three digit numbers, not in this case, though.

#23 : This one is more like a comprehension question. Since it relates to birthday of the month, there are not many two digit primes you need to weight, so 11, 13 and 17. (19 + 17 would exceed any maximum days of the month). From there, read carefully and you should get the answer.

#24 : a more original question --

To maximize the median, which in this case is the average of the 50th and 51st term, you minimized the first 49 terms, so make them all 1s.
Don't forget the 51st term has to be equal or larger than the 50th term.

#25: The figure shown is just a partial highway image. 40 feet is the diameter and the driver's speed is 5 miles per hour, so units are not the same --> trap

I've found most students, when it comes to circular problems, tend to make careless mistakes because there are just too many variables.
Areas, circles, semi-circles, arch, wedge areas, and those Harvey like "think outside the box" fun problems.

Thus, it's a good idea to slow down for those circular questions. Easier said than remembered.

Happy Holiday !!