To prepare for AMC-8 and Mathcounts simultaneously, it's a good idea to delete AMC-8 multiple choice options to make the test more like Mathcounts problems.
There are some tricky questions for AMC-8 test, so if you are at the Mathcounts state level in above average states, you might get better scores on AMC-10 tests than on AMC-8. (Sigh...)
That's what happened to quite a few of my students because their level is way up so they might not as focused as they worked on the more challenging, more interesting questions. Oh dear !!
Review the following very frequently tested concepts. You really don't need a lot of tools (formulas) but deeper understanding, tenacity and the love of thinking outside the box.
Review similar triangles
Review counting and probability
I'll put solutions to some of the "Mass Points" questions soon.
We all love "Mass Points".
Have fun problem solving. Cheers, Mrs. Lin